Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'm Back

I haven't blogged in awhile because of spring break (which was fantastic) but, quite unfortunately, break is over... so I'm back to the blogging.

Over break, one of the books I read was The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin.  This book is about Rubin spending a year working on her happiness.

Rubin is married and has two children and had a happy life.  One day, however, she decided to spend a year devoted to her happiness.  Each month focused on a different element of her happiness and had different resolutions.  For example, in January Rubin wanted to focus on her energy level.  She found ways to include more exercise into her day and go to bed earlier.  One month, Rubin started a blog, also called The Happiness Project.  I liked this book, and if I were older, I would have probably have been inspired to start my own.

I also saw a French Canadian movie over break called Starbuck.  I really liked this movie.  It had lots of really great lines and really memorable characters.  The one thing about the movie that kind of bothered me were that the subtitles are in white and sometimes they were hard to read because there would be an off-white background underneath them.  That is just a minor thing though.

Anyways, I recommend both The Happiness Project and Starbuck, so go to your library or the movie theater/video store.

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