Sunday, December 16, 2012

Documentary Project

Our newest media assignment is to make a documentary.  We were given an option of four different types of documentaries to make:
  1. A profile documentary - a documentary on an interesting person in our community. (NOTE: The video I connected the link to has some really graphic scenes of Chad Jones's leg.)
  2. The C-SPAN competition documentary - make a documentary answering the question what should Obama do in 2013.
  3. An indiegogo documentary - a documentary to raise funds for our change project.
  4. An Op-doc - (this is what my group is doing.) a documentary showing your opinion on an issue.
Like I just said, my group is making an op-doc.  Ours is going to be about open and closed-lunches.  Our school has a closed-campus lunch and recently announced that they have made an agreement with local restaurants where the restaurants will not sell food to students during the day.  Obviously students should follow the rules to stay safe but the restaurants are also businesses that need to make money.

We plan on showing benefits and consequences to open and closed-lunches and even testing the policy by going to one of the restaurants and seeing what happens (we will have school approval, of course!)

I think this is going to be a difficult and long project (it goes through January) but I think that ours will turn out really well.

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