So turns out our first progress report was supposed to be done this weekend, not last weekend, so I turned last week's post into a pre-progress report and this week's post into the first real progress report.
This week we got all our filming done. I was a it concerned about how the filming would go, but it went great! Tuesday, the first day we filmed, was a dreary day so not too many people were at the gelato place where we filmed, which made filming a whole lot easier. Also, the guy working there was super nice and really into our film. Wednesday was a really nice day, but luckily we were pretty much filming outside the gelato store so it didn't matter that it was crowded.
On Thursday we started watching all of our footage and there is so much. Its kind of overwhelming. We've been deleting the ones that obviously won't work as we go through but there is still a lot. Hopefully what we end up with in the end is good.
This week I went to the gelato place to make sure that they were okay with us filming there. I also filmed with my group on Tuesday and Wednesday (my technical role is director but I did some of the filming as well and other people in my group did some of the directing). Additionally, I helped my group go through our footage. There wasn't really any individuals doing one task, so far all the work has been pretty evenly split.
By the end of our next class (Monday) I hope that our group will have finished watching all the of the footage. By the end of the week I am hoping that we will have each of the clips in a very basic line-up so we can see the order of them and establish what we have.
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